Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What we ate for Easter Sunday Lunch

Hope you all have had a lovely Easter holiday weekend.

Yes, we did have a lovely and relaxed one. I was wondering if we should go out for meal but instead we decide to eat at home, which meant I was cooking.  We invited Mary, my mother-in-law, and Emily, who is now living with her fiancé Craig. Craig is currently in Mexico for business whilst Maria was working at a restaurant for weekend.

My husband asked me not to make 10 courses-meal and just do something quick and easy. Well, I don't really do 10 courses, he is just exaggerating but referring me for slaving in the kitchen for hours trying to make something fancy whilst guests are neglected or ignored in the living room...

I decided something easy, something that does not require me being to/from kitchen and living room much whilst cooking and for being Easter, using eggs in recipe.

I made sautéed asparagus with fried egg on top with drizzle of olive oil, parmesan shavings and balsamic graze for starter. This is easy and quick as long as I am careful not to fry eggs too hard as it should be half yolky so that when you cut into the egg, yolk would ooze out over the asparagus.  And I managed to fry eggs too long so yolk did not ooze out and I could not find a parmesan shaver so we had to do with grating the block of parmesan with cheese grater. Well it does not look perfect but it was rather tasty, I must say.

For main course, I made fish pie for the first time in my life. I have some cooking books that feature posh fish pies but recipe sounds far too complicated. I googled and found an easy and straight forward fish pie recipe by Mitch Tonks, 'How to make fish pie' on BBC Food website (http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/fish_pie).  Ok, potato topping did not turn out as the way it looks on the website however this has now become our family's favourite recipe.  I have also added salmon to the recipe as we love salmon. We really enjoyed this but next time I would also look for another fish pie recipe that uses mustard to give an added flavour.

For dessert, we had apricot tart from M&S with vanilla ice cream - I was contemplating baking something but let's be honest, I am not a baker, so I decided not to and bought ready made tart to pop it in the oven. Just as well, it was much better being able to spend some time talking with family rather than slaving in the kitchen all day.

And to finish off, we had macaroons (from M&S again, so no I did not make them) and chocolate fudge with mugs of tea!

We talked about our recent trip to Brussels, our cat Yuki, family and friends, and Emily and Craig's wedding arrangements. Ok, the meal was nothing fancy but at least it was easy and quick to make, we enjoyed our meal with family (minus poor Maria) and it was much cheaper as well!!

Hope you also have a nice Easter Sunday.

That's all forks!

1 comment:

Emily :) x said...

Best.Fish.Pie.EVER! YUMMMY x